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Ocular Injuries (Common Eye Injuries)

Best Advanced Treatment for Ocular Injuries or Common Eye Injuries in Andheri Mumbai

Several common injuries can affect the eye itself:

Corneal Abrasions: Scratches to the cornea, the eye’s clear front surface, can cause pain, redness, and tearing. Diagnosis is often made by applying a yellow dye (fluorescein) to the eye, which highlights the abrasion. Treatment typically involves antibiotic eye drops or ointment, and occasionally a pressure patch. These injuries require close follow-up with an ophthalmologist. As Ashu Laser Vision and Ashu Eye Hospital treats the best advanced specialist treatment for Ocular Injuries or Common Eye Injuries eye clinic and hospital in Andheri Mumbai.

Eye injuries and trauma may present with:

Open-Angle Glaucoma: Characterized by patchy blind spots in peripheral vision, often affecting both eyes, and can lead to significant vision impairment in advanced stages.

Scratched Eye (Corneal Abrasion): Pain and visual disturbance due to damage to the corneal surface.

Penetrating or Foreign Objects: Objects embedded in or entering the eye can cause serious damage.

Chemical Burns: Damage from exposure to caustic substances.

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage: Eye bleeding that appears as a red spot on the white of the eye.

As Ashu Laser Vision and Ashu Eye Hospital treats the best advanced specialist treatment for Ocular Injuries or Common Eye Injuries eye clinic and hospital in Andheri Mumbai.

Common causes include:

⦁ Impact Injuries: Damage from sports balls, fists, or airsoft/pellet/paintball guns.

Sharp Objects: Trauma from sticks, projectiles, or knives.

⦁ Chemical Exposure: Splashes from harsh chemicals such as cleaning agents or pool chemicals.

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage: Often caused by minor trauma or increased pressure.

Eye Trauma Risks Treatment in Andheri Mumbai

A blow to the eye, such as from a ball or elbow, can lead to a hyphema, which is bleeding within the eye. This can increase intraocular pressure and potentially cause permanent vision loss. Urgent evaluation is necessary, with treatment involving eye drops and possibly daily follow-up.

Deep Scratches and Lacerations Treatment in Andheri Mumbai

Deep injuries or lacerations from sharp objects like sticks, shards of glass, or metal can significantly damage the eye’s surface, leading to severe complications and the risk of permanent vision loss. Such injuries require immediate attention and often surgical intervention to prevent complications and preserve vision.

Diagnosis of eye injuries often involves using fluorescein dye to highlight scratches or abrasions. Treatment generally includes:

Antibiotic Eye Drops/Ointment: To prevent infection and promote healing.

Pressure Patch: In rare cases, to protect the eye and aid healing.

Close follow-up with an ophthalmologist is essential for monitoring recovery and addressing any complications. As Ashu Laser Vision and Ashu Eye Hospital treats the best advanced specialist treatment for Ocular Injuries or Common Eye Injuries eye clinic and hospital in Andheri Mumbai.


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