Best Advanced Treatment for Squint in Andheri Mumbai
Squint, also known as strabismus, occurs when the eyes are not aligned properly and do not focus on the same point. It is most commonly observed in children when parents notice that their child’s eyes are misaligned. Although squint can occasionally be detected in very young infants, it typically becomes more apparent after six months of age. For accurate assessment, evaluation is best conducted after this period. In adults, squint can develop due to neurological or brain-related issues, which necessitates a comprehensive evaluation and tailored management. At Ashu Laser Vision and Ashu Eye Hospital we treat the best advanced squint surgery (strabismus) & treatments in Andheri Mumbai.

Squint - 9 Eye Positions

Diagnosis and Treatment for Squint in Andheri Mumbai
An eye specialist diagnoses squint by measuring the degree of misalignment using prisms. There are numerous types of squints, each requiring different treatments. Some cases may be managed with eye exercises, glasses, or specialized lenses with prisms. For more complex cases, injections into the eye muscles can sometimes correct the misalignment without surgery. However, if injections are ineffective, surgical intervention might be necessary. Squint surgery has a high success rate, with over 95% of cases achieving alignment with a single procedure; the remaining 5% may require additional surgery. Early treatment is crucial, as untreated squint can affect 3D vision and other visual functions. In cases where amblyopia (lazy eye) is present, vision therapy may be recommended before addressing the squint to ensure optimal outcomes. We are well known for our amblyopia (lazy eye) treatment, surgical and non-surgical squint treatment in Andheri Mumbai.
Squint Surgery


After Surgery
For the best surgical squint (strabismus) treatments surgery in Andheri, Mumbai, consider the following effective options:
Advanced Treatment and Strabismus (SQUINT) Surgery in Andheri, Mumbai
What is Squint (Strabismus) Surgery in Andheri Mumbai – Strabismus surgery, also known as eye muscle surgery or squint surgery, is a procedure designed to correct misaligned eyes (strabismus) when other treatments have failed. The surgery involves adjusting the eye muscles to realign the eyes so they can work together effectively. This may involve shortening, tightening, or repositioning the muscles to achieve proper alignment.
Who Needs Squint (Strabismus) Surgery in Andheri Mumbai – Strabismus affects approximately 5% of the population. If you have persistent eye misalignment despite other treatments, your eye care provider may recommend strabismus surgery. While it is commonly performed on children, adults can also benefit from this procedure.
You might be a candidate for eye muscle surgery if you experience:
⦁ Exotropia: One or both eyes turn outward towards the ears.
⦁ Esotropia: One or both eyes turn inward towards the nose.
⦁ Hypertropia: One eye turns upward compared to the other eye.
⦁ Hypotropia: One eye turns downward compared to the other eye.
⦁ Stroke: Eye problems may develop following a stroke.
⦁ Nystagmus: Involuntary, erratic eye movements.
Types of Squint (Strabismus) Surgery & Treatments in Andheri Mumbai – Strabismus surgery can be performed on one or both eyes. When surgery is performed on both eyes, it is referred to as bilateral strabismus surgery.
⦁ Resection: Shortens the muscle by cutting it.
⦁ Plication: Shortens the muscle by folding it over.
⦁ Recession: Moves the muscle back to reduce tightness.
⦁ Adjustable Surgery: Allows the surgeon to adjust the muscle sutures during the recovery period to correct any remaining misalignment.

What Happens During Squint (Strabismus) Surgery & Treatments in Andheri Mumbai?
⦁ You will receive intravenous (IV) medication. Most children and adults will be given general anesthesia, though some adults may receive local anesthesia and sedation.
⦁ The surgical team will monitor your vital signs throughout the procedure.
⦁ An eye speculum will hold your eye open.
⦁ The surgeon will make an incision in the conjunctiva, the outer white covering of the eye.
⦁ The targeted muscles will be adjusted using specialized tools.
⦁ Muscles will be secured with dissolvable sutures.
⦁ Eye drops or ointment will be applied post-surgery.
⦁ The procedure typically lasts between 30 minutes and two hours.
Post or After Surgery Care for best advanced squint surgery (strabismus) & treatments in Andheri Mumbai.
⦁ You will be moved to a recovery room where your vital signs will be monitored.
⦁ A responsible adult must drive you home and stay with you for at least 24 hours.
⦁ Rest and limited activity are recommended for up to a week.
⦁ Your provider will prescribe eye drops or ointment and may suggest acetaminophen or NSAIDs like ibuprofen for pain relief.
⦁ Follow-up instructions will be provided, including signs to watch for and when to contact your provider.
Benefits of Squint (Strabismus) Surgery & Treatments in Andheri Mumbai
Strabismus (Squint) surgery can enhance your eyes’ ability to work together and improve stereo (3D) vision, especially in children. While the primary goal is to correct eye alignment, many individuals also experience increased self-confidence and improved appearance following the surgery. At Ashu Laser Vision and Ashu Eye Hospital we treat the best advanced squint surgery (strabismus) & treatments in Andheri Mumbai.