Kid’s Eye Problem
Best Advanced Treatment for Kid’s Eye Problems (Pediatrics)in Andheri Mumbai
As kid’s relying on digital screens increases, many are experiencing eye problems, often requiring corrective glasses and facing worsening vision over time.
To address these issues, we offer a Myopia Progression Control Program designed to slow or halt the progression of myopia in children. This program involves comprehensive testing and regular monitoring to ensure that their vision remains stable and does not deteriorate further. As Ashu Laser Vision and Ashu Eye Hospital treats the best advanced specialist treatment for Kids eye problems (pediatrics) eye clinic and hospital in Andheri Mumbai.

Specific Eye Challenges in Children:
⦁ Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP): Premature infants are at risk of developing ROP, a condition that affects the retina and can lead to vision loss if not identified and treated promptly. Early screening and intervention are crucial to prevent blindness and manage any subsequent vision issues that may arise. As Ashu Laser Vision and Ashu Eye Hospital treats the best advanced specialist treatment for retinopathy of prematurity eye clinic and hospital in Andheri Mumbai.
⦁ Lazy Eye (Amblyopia): Amblyopia often requires targeted therapy to strengthen the weaker eye. While traditional treatment involves patching the eye, we now offer Vision Therapy, a computer-based approach that has shown promising results. This method can significantly improve vision in just a few months, compared to the years required with older treatments. As Ashu Laser Vision and Ashu Eye Hospital treats the best advanced specialist treatment for Lazy Eye (Amblyopia) eye clinic and hospital in Andheri Mumbai.
⦁ Strabismus (Squinting): Vision therapy is also effective in treating squinting related to amblyopia and other vision issues. If vision therapy is not sufficient, specialized glasses may be prescribed to address the problem. As Ashu Laser Vision and Ashu Eye Hospital treats the best advanced specialist treatment for Strabismus (Squinting) eye clinic and hospital in Andheri Mumbai. We do have non-surgical squinting and surgical squinting options to improve vision and treating squint of any age.
Eye Problems in Children in Andheri Mumbai: Symptoms to Watch For
Children may experience various eye issues that manifest in several ways:
⦁ Vision Issues: Difficulty reading, holding reading materials close, or avoiding tasks that require close-up vision.
⦁ Eye Movement: Squinting, tilting the head to see better, or eyes that appear to bulge or move erratically.
⦁ Eye Sensitivity: Sensitivity to light or an apparent overreaction to light.
⦁ Eye Appearance: Eyes that seem unusually large or small, misaligned, or that flutter quickly.
⦁ Eye Drainage: Excessive tearing, drainage, or watery eyes.
⦁ Other Symptoms: Headaches, eye pain, itchiness, discomfort, or a short attention span.

Additional eye symptoms of kids (children’s) to be aware which may include:
⦁ Excessive rubbing of the eyes.
⦁ Sitting too close to the TV or holding handheld devices too close.
⦁ A white reflection in your child’s eye in photographs.
⦁ Difficulty distinguishing certain colors.
⦁ Objects appearing crooked or distorted.
⦁ Seeing shimmering spots or stars.
⦁ Floating spots or strings in the field of vision.
⦁ Partial or total vision loss.
Since some of these symptoms may overlap with other medical conditions, it’s important to consult your child’s doctor for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate care.
Our goal is to provide effective treatments and innovative therapies to ensure that children receive the best possible care for their eye health and vision development. At Ashu Laser Vision and Ashu Eye Hospital we treat the best advanced treatment for kids eye problem (pediatric eye problem) & eye clinic and hospital in Andheri Mumbai.