Practical Tips for Preparing for Laser Eye Surgery in
Andheri Mumbai (Advanced Surface Laser Ablation [ASA])

Avoid Makeup for Several Days before LASIK, ASA, PRK, or PTK eye surgery in Mumbai India
Stop Wearing Contact Lenses as Directed before LASIK, ASA, PRK, or PTK eye surgery in Mumbai India
Depending on the type of contact lenses you wear—whether rigid gas permeable, soft, or hard—you’ll need to stop using them for a specific period prior to your Lasik eye surgery in Mumbai. This could range from a few days to several weeks. In the meantime, rely on your eyeglasses. This step is crucial because contact lenses can alter the shape of your cornea, which affects the accuracy of the measurements needed for laser eye surgery in Mumbai.
Wear Comfortable Clothing before LASIK, ASA, PRK, or PTK eye surgery in Mumbai India
Surgical rooms are typically kept cold to maintain a sterile environment and ensure the laser technology functions properly. Wear comfortable clothing, preferably something that zips up, to avoid having to lift anything over your head that might irritate your eyes or dislodge protective eyewear. Avoid fluffy materials like wool or fleece, as they can shed lint in the surgical suite.
Do Not Use Face or Hair Products before LASIK, ASA, PRK, or PTK eye surgery in Mumbai India
Moisturizers, perfumes, and lotions can increase your risk of infection if they come into contact with your eyes. Additionally, hair products that contain alcohol—such as hairspray, mousse, or aftershave—may interfere with the laser. It’s advisable to avoid these products altogether, especially on the day of your procedure. Consult our laser eye surgeon for specific recommendations on when to stop using these products.
Set Up a Caretaker or Guardian before LASIK, ASA, PRK, or PTK eye surgery in Mumbai India
You will need someone to drive you home after your laser eye surgery. Driving is usually off-limits for at least the first 24 hours following LASIK, and for several days after PRK or PTK. Arrange for a friend or family member to assist you and ideally stay with you for the first day or two to help with your recovery.
Take Time Off Work and Prepare Your Home, before LASIK, ASA, PRK, or PTK eye surgery in Mumbai India
Depending on your procedure, you may need to take several days off work—up to six days for PRK. It’s important to avoid screens and reading for at least the first day. To make your recovery more comfortable, consider preparing a cozy area at home with a reusable water bottle, nutritious snacks, and audio entertainment like podcasts or audiobooks to keep you occupied while you rest your light-sensitive eyes.